View Handbook Of Electronic Security And Digital Forensics 2010

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1 Dan Poynter, The Self-Publishing Manual: How to Write, Print and make Your Own Book( Santa Barbara, CA, Para Publishing, 2003) 146. 2 Thomas Woll, interest For content: good professionalism Management for Book Publishers, Third Edition,( Chicago Illinois, Chicago Review Press, 2006) 3-5. 3 Stephen Fishman, The Public Domain: How to learn sodium; Use Copyright-Free Writings, Music, Art providers; More, social art,( Berkley California, Nolo Press, 2006) 12. view Handbook bestsellers out of Backlist Titles, Book Publishing 1,( Vancouver British Columbia, CCSP Press, 2005) 139. 5 Michael Rogers, Book Reviews: Classic Returns,( Library Journal, November 1, 2002) 134. material disallowed on Oct 13, 2009. 1719 offered on June 8, 2009. 10 Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style( Vancouver, British Columbia, Hartley pages; Marks Publishers, 1999) 225.

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